Umami Mezze

Every afternoon Mezze is waiting for you at the counter.

Late lunch, early dinner

Join us at Umami after work,
and choose from our Mezze menu.
Enjoy it on the spot or take it home
for yourself and your family for dinner!

A time-efficient solution

Don’t have the time or inclination to cook every day, or have you been longing to try the magical flavors of the Middle East? Build your own, personalised bowl with us,
and your “dinner problem” is solved.

Unique in Pécs

The Middle Eastern cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the world, as it focuses on vegetables, spices and fresh ingredients.
The word ‘mezze’ itself means ‘many small dishes’, which in our concept is assembled
in the guest’s bowl, according to their own taste.

Katalin Nagy restaurant manager | event planner | co-owner  
06 30 982 0838
06 20 232 1003

Károly Tóth co-owner 

Business hours:
Monday – Thursday: 7:00 – 18:00
Friday: 7:00 – 16:00

7624 Pécs, Szigeti street 12.
PTE ÁOK New Building