Umami news

Spring semester brings many new things

The new opening time at the restaurant for LUNCH is 11:00. This will make it easier to catch the noon classes, and will spread out the crowd a bit. The ending time has not changed – it is still 14:30. We need 30 minutes to clean up and refill for our new afternoon awesomeness!

Due to high demand, we now offer fixed soup + main course MENU OPTIONS, both meaty and vegetarian, at a friendly price. The entrée portion is a bit smaller, but paired with the soup, you will definitely not stay even remotely hungry.

In the AFTERNOONS, 15.00-18.00 our new UMAMI MEZZE awaits. We are offering a beautiful, healthy, colorful, versitale mediterranean mezze spread, in a fast food setup (sort of like how Subway restaurants work). You start at the beginning of the line, choose the size of your bowl, and then build your own delicious meal. Easy, fast, healthy and heavenly! And, of course, it can be vegan, gluten free, lactose free, etc., depending on how you build it. Perfect for a late lunch, early dinner, or takeaway. 

For BREAKFAST, other than the sandwiches and pastries we had been offering, you can now find warm breakfast options as well as granola bowls, vegan and „everything-free” chia pudding. Every weekday morning, 7.15-10.00.

You asked, and we listened: there will always be vegetable based, light, healthy, VEGETARIAN, VEGAN options in the lunch selection. Our delicious salad entrees will come back also, as soon as the weather warms up a bit.

In the DRINK FILL STATION we are now offering a new selection of soft drinks at a more economic price. Note: free refills are not included.

Each month at the CAFE, we will be offering a 20% discount on varios items. Come, see what those are!

Within a week or two, we will be selling the ARTISAN BREADS of Kovászálom Bakery, and savory / sweet PASTRIES, GRANOLA made by Kemencés Bake Shop, on a trial basis. We will be changing these items based on the interest and needs of our guests, and our goal with this is to introduce and make more readily available healthy, high quality, local goods to everyone.

We look forward to seeing you, and can’t wait for the weather to turn springy to use the terrace again!